The spread of transgenic canola pollen for as much as 3 km from a field means that organic or non GM cannot be grown in areas such as western Canada or Northern USA. Science Jun 28 2002: 2386-2388 Pollen-Mediated Movement of Herbicide Resistance Between Commercial Canola Fields Mary A. Rieger, Michael Lamond, Christopher Preston, Stephen B. Powles, and Richard T. Roush There is considerable public and scientific debate for and against genetically modified (GM) crops. One of the first GM crops, Brassica napus (oilseed rape or canola) is now widely grown in North America, with proposed commercial release into Australia and Europe. Among concerns of opponents to these crops are claims that pollen movement will cause unacceptable levels of gene flow from GM to non-GM crops or to related weedy species, resulting in genetic pollution of the environment. Therefore, quantifying pollen-mediated gene flow is vital for assessing the environmental impact of GM crops. This study quantifies at a landscape level the gene flow that occurs from herbicide-resistant canola crops to nearby crops not containing herbicide resistance genes. A Little Pollen Goes a Long Way Erik Stokstad One of the major concerns about genetically modified (GM) crops is that they might spread their genes to nearby weeds or organic crops. Some governments have responded by recommending that GM crops be planted in isolation, or by setting limits on GM material in organic or conventional crops. But they have had few data to go on. Now a comprehensive study, described on page 2386, provides some hard numbers on the movement of pollen between fields, with implications for regulators. "These are real-world data that can be used for real-world decisions," says Paul Raymer, an agronomist at the University of Georgia, Griffin. A team led by reproductive ecologist Mary Rieger of the Cooperative Research Center for Australian Weed Management and the University of Adelaide in Australia reports that canola pollen can travel considerable distances but that the amount of gene flow is minimal. Although the findings reinforce the difficulty of growing GM-free crops, they also suggest that the levels of gene diffusion are below European standards for contamination of conventional food. Over the last decade, a handful of small experiments has indicated that a minuscule amount of pollen from engineered crops can spread up to a few hundred meters. But what happens on real farms was unclear. To find out, Rieger and her colleagues at the University of Adelaide and the University of Western Australia in Nedlands took advantage of a unique opportunity. In 2000, Australian farmers for the first time planted varieties of canola with resistance to acetolactate synthase-inhibiting herbicides. (These crops are not GM varieties but instead were created by mutagenesis.) Working in three states and under various climatic conditions, Rieger's team collected seeds from 63 nearby fields planted with conventional canola. The herbicide-resistance trait spread to 63% of the conventional fields, including some up to 3 kilometers away from the source. The percentage of resistance among seed samples ranged up to nearly 0.2%, but when averaged per field, the highest percentage was 0.07%. The harvests from the vast majority of fields contained less than 0.03%.