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Please provide the following information to
download the LinkWall Suite evaluation software (Version 3.90),
including LinkWall, AdWall and FileWall.
(This evaluation version cannot be used to upgrade an existing installation of LinkWall Suite to version 3.90 - For instructions on upgrading please contact your reseller or contact Connectotel)
Before installing, please ensure you have installed the latest applicable Service Pack for BorderManager:
BorderManager 3.9
BorderManager 3.8 - BM38SP4 plus BM38SP4_IR3, or BM38SP5
BorderManager 3.7 - BM37SP3 or later
Please also ensure that you have restrict.dll, dated April 2003 or later, in sys:public\win32\snapins, or the location from which you run NWAdmin. This version has a choice for "Connectotel" as a radio-button when creating a rule.
To install the LinkWall/AdWall/FileWall software, please run
lwsuite.exe. After installation is complete you can find the product
documentation in: